Om oss - NCCE

About us

Norway's biggest circular economy cluster

The Norwegian Centre of Circular Economy (NCCE) is a development and competence centre for companies and organisations that see business opportunities in the green transition.

Established in 2017, the centre is a membership organisation with nearly 100 private, corporate, and organisational members across Norway. Together, our vision is to manage our resources in a more sustainable manner by transitioning to a circular economy..

In 2022, NCCE was admitted into the Arena national cluster programwhich is administrated by Innovation Norway, the Research Council of Norway, and SIVA on behalf of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries and the Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation. Our goal is to stimulate increased innovation and reinforce competitiveness based on cooperation between businesses, R&D and educational environments, and public development stakeholders.

Our members represent all of these groups. In order to succeed in the transition to a more circular economy, we must work together across the public and private sectors, traditional value chains, and industries. The cluster should facilitate, and be a catalyst for, this collaboration, helping to create green growth and new jobs for businesses. Read more about this here.