Industriell symbiose
Industriell symbiose
Industriell symbiose er en viktig strategi for å oppnå en sirkulær økonomi, ressursene utnyttes optimalt og minst mulig avfall genereres. Det innebærer at bedrifter og virksomheter innenfor et geografisk avgrenset område samarbeider om bruk av ressurser som eksempelvis materialer, energi, vann og/eller bi-produkter.
Under finner du eksempler på to nasjonale «fyrtårn» på industriell symbiose, og som senteret er aktivt involvert i gjennom flere prosjekter:
Den Magiske Fabrikken (The Magical Factory), Tønsberg
Organic waste resources are recycled into climate-friendly biogas and other circular products — such as climate-friendly tomatoes, bio-fertilisers, and new methods for growing food based on organic waste resources. This is a truly unique innovation and testing arena, which also includes a knowledge and experience centre in which 10,000 pupils receive practical education about the circular economy each year.
Øra Industripark
This industrial park is an example of what we call “industrial symbiosis”. Here, resources are utilised in the most efficient manner possible, and businesses have a shared ambition to become climate-neutral through increased cooperation. 20 percent of Norway's waste resources in the categories of metals, scrapped vehicles, batteries and window glass, are handled and recovered on Øra.