Working groups
Working groups
NCCE har etablert flere arbeidsgrupper med ulike temaer som bidrar til å utvikle og legge til rette for sirkulære produkter og løsninger. Arbeidsgruppene er dynamiske og nye etableres på bakgrunn av medlemmenes behov.
Her kan medlemmene engasjere seg som deltagere og pådrivere for å løse felles utfordringer i samarbeid med andre klyngemedlemmer. Ta gjerne kontakt om du ønsker å delta eller har innspill til andre temaer enn det vi har i dag:
Circular value chains
Quality, price, and stable access are the biggest challenges to the development of new value chains and markets for processed waste and side streams. There is therefore a need for research and innovation for new technologies and new processes that can boost the quality and increase the use of secondary raw materials, in addition to making these competitive with similar products on the market. The development of secondary raw materials must be done in close cooperation with all players in the value chain. The working group is working to develop joint projects that can solve circular challenges and create new circular value chains.
Contact: Natalia Mathisen
Operating rammevilkår
Operating conditions create barriers to product and market development, especially in the field of waste management law. This happens in several areas, such as in regulations, administrative burdens, incentives, and bans. The working group will work to implement frameworks that promote a transition to a circular economy, in collaboration with relevant partners in the ecosystem. As part of this work, the cluster has initiated a project that includes our co-financing of an industry PhD in Norwegian and EU waste management law.
Contact: Natalia Mathisen
Access to capital and project funds is essential in supporting R&D activities, commercialising pilot projects, and company development. The working group will work on a strategy for how the cluster can serve as a bridge between companies that need capital and the opportunities that lie in policy instruments, as well as in both national and international private and public investment environments and funds
Contact: Tina Wågønes
A lack of knowledge about circular economies is a challenge for many companies, in many disciplines, and at every educational level from vocational schools and colleges to universities and professional development. The working group will contribute to the development of expertise development programmes adapted to our present and future needs in order to improve knowledge regarding, and to ensure the implementation of, a more sustainable management of our resources.
Contact: Tina Wågønes
Norwegian companies have the knowledge, technology and circular solutions for a market that goes far beyond the borders of Norway. The working group looks at how we can help companies gain access and establish themselves in new markets.
Contact: Tina Wågønes
Kommunikasjonsnettverket skal bidra til samarbeid og kompetanseoverføring rundt kommunikasjon om sirkulær økonomi.
Kontakt: Elisabeth Breien Ellingsen